Thursday 6 June 2013

When the going got tough

Didn't manage a blog post yesterday as it was dog club again last night, so ran out of time.  Not the best of events either.  Custer was a nightmare yesterday.  I think despite my best efforts I was too soft with him, and things got worse very quickly.  Whilst I was out lead walking yesterday he started barking wildly at two seperate ladies for no reason at all, other than he 'felt like it'.  At dog club he spent the entire hour lunging, barking, growling and carrying on.  We are both exhausted by his behavoir.
I have had to become a drill sergant today, which is NOT what I had in mind.  We are also in need of another v. large crate, it has already cost us more than Custer's adoption fee, in halti's, leads, harnesses, yellow dog stuff etc - so I have been trying to borrow one, but seem nobody I know has a crate that is 48" or more.

Today's walk was a 'challenge' I did mange to have no repeat of the behavoir towards people, but an awful lot of control was needed.  I found it interesting that men are looking at me and smiling (I think I remind them of some sort of dominatrix) and women are looking at me in total horror, not understanding that a dog THIS size has got to learn to behave or somebody will get hurt.  Every single 'sit' command he objected too, I would walk on and go back to the same place until he did it, then lavish on the praise at which point he would then refuse to move...  The strangest thing is I am having no problems with him in the house, just outdoors?

I know I will look back at this day in time and smile, but today I am finding it really tough going - I just wanted a Labrador I could cuddle, not one I have a daily battle with and have to order about continually.

I miss my boy Alfie so much, he too was a challenge for the first 12 months, but nothing like this.  We were saying at dog club last night, Alfie never ended up in the naughty corner!  Anyone who doesn't know this is my adorable boy Alfie

Lets hope tomorrow is a better day...

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