Sunday 16 June 2013

Week 2 of Puppy Class

Don't be deceived by what you see in these pictures - OH only took the good ones.  This was not my best ever morning at Puppy Class.  Unfortunatly we started off with a bit of an 'incident' that has resulted in a few injuries for the OH, due to severe behavoir by Custer.  Followed by a HUGE battle of wills between the two of us.

So, not the best way to start a training class.  Here is our super trainer Arthur doing some further assessing...
He believes, what we have is a VERY big puppy, who has already gone through some pretty severe treatment and as a result now rebels against any form of discipline.  Of course nobody can have a dog this size ruling the roost, so not an easy task at hand.  We cannot allow him to get his own way at all, but have to find ways of achieving this.  It is going to be a very long road ahead.
Yes, quite an impressive 'sit and stay' but it does not last long believe me!  At this class Custer spends the majority of his time trying to eat the stones on the floor.  That is when he is not lunging at the other dogs.  What the aim now is to 'try' to get him to focus his attention on me - I think that is my homework for class, though I can't really see me managing that in only a week, but I suppose at least 'some' attention on me would be nice.  Thing is I have this cracked at home, just not at all when outside the front door.
I confess today is really not a good day, I am finding it very hard with Custer and his behavoir - I know its going to be a very long road ahead, but never have I had a dog so stubborn or so difficult.  Custer is my 8th rescue dog - at one time we had 5 dogs living here at once who were nowhere near as much trouble all together.
Lucky for Custer today his Dad is very determined not to give up on him - not as sure as I am today, but then my old arthritic joints are not so fond of the pressure they have been put under today.


  1. Sorry you are feeling a bit down about things Lynda. Don't know what to say to cheer you up really but please don't give up.

    Shirley x

  2. Thanks Shirley, was a bad day yesterday. Back into battle today though and going better so far.
