Wednesday 26 June 2013

Today was a good day

I remember when we were close to loosing Alfie, recording the days for when 'the bad days were more than the good ones'.  With that logic, here is hoping that the good days for Custer will get more frequent.
I am having to be far stricter than I have EVER been with a dog, but this morning I did manage to get Custer past a cat (on the other side of the road) without being dragged into the road.

We are just back from our regular evening walkies, when OH takes the lead.  Usually we have battles with every dog we see - Custer lunging to get across the road at the dog, today we did 4/4 with no lunging.  We were walking on air.  Okay, we still cant get past one on the same side of the road, but as OH pointed out, for the last four weeks we couldnt get past anything in the same town without a huge 'kick off'.

I was writing my success blog post in my head as we walked in, all smug - told Custer what a 'good boy' he was and life was good.
Then him and Jaja just had quite a 'set too' which is a first.  Jaja has been on his case since he arrived, but usually plays happily with him, and Custer wont even go to get his dinner without fetching Jaja first.  So, that is a bit of a backwards step, maybe we let our guard down too soon? who     knows..........

I had a smug moment this morning too, the elderly couple who have watched me battle my walks each morning from their bus stop gave me a thumbs up when Custer crossed over and sat nicely for a  treat - they can see the progress.  Its just very small when out though.

In the house (with the exception of this evening) things are usually good, few problems and no raised voices.

Fingers Crossed for another positive post.

We are usually at dog club tonight, but our trainer has just been for a new hip so no club for a couple of weeks.


  1. You are definitely getting there Lynda.
    I you seem a bit more upbeat about things too.

    Shirley x

  2. Ups and downs Shirley, often 2 steps forward and 3 back x
