Saturday 8 June 2013

Another Day in the life of 'yellow dog'

Custer's new coat arrived, unfortunatly its too big, and too hot for him - and he is not keen on things over his head on a good day, so not going well.  We do have our badges and car stickers though to still promote the concept, and the yellow ribbons.

Further to my last post I discovered Custer is not hurling himself at random people, its little old ladies he does not like, especially one's with grey hair.  So, I have managed to sort this out now with a  'firm' LEAVE command now I know what the trigger is.  He is totally fine with children, teenagers, men etc its just older women he has a problem with.

It was two weeks yesterday since Custer came into our life, I would like to say the time has flown but it has been a tricky time - but I have to say Custer is doing great, for such a short time he is learning fast, and his own sweet personality is in there somewhere, just needs coaching out.

I just got back from our evening walkies with 'Daddy' and 'Jaja' and its the best walk I have had so far, with just a half check chain and ordinary lead, no halti, no harness - the boy did great, I even got him passed two dogs with a treat (ok they were on the other side of the road, but still a plus for Custer) and escaped an old lady who charged over to fuss the dogs, eeeeeeeeeeek!!! that was a bit scary, but I got him out of the way with treats whilst 'Daddy' and 'Jaja' allowed the fussing thing.  No lunging or barking.

Tomorrow is a big day, as we go to the gundog trainer and his puppy class - sure he will be fine, so its a very early start tomorrow as its so hot here I need to walk Jaja before taking Custer to training.  Just hoping he is as laid back as this tomorrow...


  1. Glad you found the trigger and that you feel he is responding well to you

  2. Thanks Tash, keeping us on our toes still.
