Saturday 15 June 2013

When Custer went to the Beach

So, today somebody thought it would be a really good idea to take the dogs to the beach, including Custer - as of course you cannot improve (or start) a recall without being off lead right?
I 'really' hope my dog trainer is not reading this as he specifically did say DO NOT let him off lead.
It started off quite well, Custer was having lots of fun and staying with us.  It was pretty early and the  weather was a bit chilly and windy so nobody else was on this part of the beach.  We had our Jaja and of course Bailey the Retriever I walk, and everyone was having a great time...
..That is of course until Custer got some sort of scent in his nose, and off he went!!!  at quite a speed.... my OH still thinks he is at least 15 years younger and can of course still run as well as he could then (or is that 20 years?) so he went after him, till they were both dots in the distance... 
Luckily, before things got 'too' out of hand, Jaja (he is a Lurcher, so can run) decided Custer had gone too far and took off, what had taken Custer a few minutes to get the distance took Jaja a matter of seconds, he got infront of him.. turned him around and brought him straight back to me!!  Had to be seen to be believed, some minutes later the OH followed (a bit worse for wear).

It is quite obvious this dog has never had the freedom, but then he had never been out on a collar and lead either.  It is also obvious that we need more training.. or a very long line attached 'next time' which of course we should have had this time.

Its puppy class tomorrow, and it will look like I have done nothing at all.  But Custer is walking great on the lead until he see's a cat, dog, hedgehog, person... and in the house he is 80 % well behaved so in three weeks we have done quite well considering.  Hoping to have pics tomorrow of puppy class, depending on the weather, as we had torrential rain forcast for today that didn't happen, so see what tomorrow brings.


  1. Love the bit about Jaja bring back Custer! Jaja has obviously decided that Custer is here and to stay and that he had better take a hand in his education.

    You should write a book about all this Lynda, I am sure it would be sucessful.

    Shirley x

  2. Thanks Shirley, I could perhaps write it from my padded cell!
