Wednesday 12 June 2013

The Boy Did good

This was the boys the other day, getting quite close and both chilled about it.  Last night, Jaja decided to play with Custer, first time he has played in the house at all for many a year, Custer was more than happy to do so, but just finding it hard to work out Jaja only plays on occasion, he doesnt make a habit of it, but we did think after less than 3 weeks together this is a great start.

Tonight Custer went to dog club again, he was a bit stressed to begin with and sought reassurance from us this time, instead of just 'going into one', we calmed him down and had him focused on the ball (and maybe just a tweeny bit of liver cake) for the whole hour.  He managed a walk up and down the hall with no problems, even when one of the Collies shouted at him.  He is a bit tired now though.

Walkies I have mastered on the whole, but he is still lunging at other dogs - at least he is not doing it with people now. 

Still not sleeping so well, but it has been hot and sunny from 4am - weather has now changed again so maybe this will settle him down.

This is how he wants to greet Daddy after work now, we are starting to think we just have a giant puppy on our hands.


  1. I am glad to see that things are still improving a little.

    Maybe he is learning to trust you both and Jaja a little, after having so many disappointments in his life. Keep up the good work.

    Shirley x

  2. Thanks Shirley, at least we are getting 'some' good bits now. Today's early walkies went quite well, aside from recall (still on lead) he still takes no notice of me at all, until he does he wont be off lead. Weird, he is pretty good in the house now - but totally different out.
