Thursday 18 July 2013

Play Time

As I mentioned in another entry, one of the ways we used to teach Custer to stop 'dropping' in the driveway and wanting to go in the car, was to lead walk him to the park in the evening (had to be evenings when hubby was here to heave him off the floor).  To enjoy walks we took some toys too, now this is a first for Jaja, we have loads of photo's of our old Labradors playing with tuggies, occasionally Jaja would grab one end briefly, but he has never played like this.  So good to see them play together.
As you see, being the boss and the tallest Jaja does tend to win the game most of the time, although Custer is younger and a lot stronger he is also very respectful to Jaja.
It was this day we then met up with one of the dog walkers with a few dogs and Custer had a great play with a big chocolate Labrador, this was our first time playing in the park with him, and it went very well.
See how Jaja likes to remind him who is boss?  Not bad from a pup who was for ten years bottom of the pack.
So, yesterday Custer and I got to the park on our own which was fabulous - our second successful outing, during which we met another dog walker 'Jo' from Power Paws she had a few dogs with her, and 3 lovely German Shepherds who were very good to Custer who had a great time with them.

Last night was dog club night, and went very well.  Okay, Custer is by no means perfect but at least he can join in now and is much calmer, he is still reactive to the hyper dogs I'm afraid, but hopefully will get calmer in time.  Hubby was very pleased with how he did.

This morning we had another great walk on the park, met up with 'Jo' from Power Paws again, today she had a German Shepherd called Ruby who Custer loved to play with, they had a great time, played some ball, not much as its a hot one today.  I also ran into a lady I met at the fund raiser when we had just adopted Custer, she was amazed at his progress, we chatted for a while - best bit was during this chat were was Custer? laid down by my feet!! I was so pleased, I did have to check him from bothering other dogs, but only gently and he stayed with me.  He is still on a long line as I dont have that total trust just yet, and the park as too many exits to roads, so need to be able to stop him if necessary, only had to do that once though, and that was due to him bothering a dog who did not want to be bothered.
He has also taken a telling off from a little dog today - doing well with the little ones, more dogs are starting to see him as the big harmless lump that he is, which is great.

I did 'of course' forget the camera (again) must try do better at that.  Do wish it was cooler though, its so hot for them all, even my first early walk with Jaja and Bailey on the beach was too hot for us all.  Will be another park walkies tonight and in the morning.

Saturday we are planning our first trip with them all in one car, going to the beach - should be interesting.


  1. Well done Jaja and Custer (and Lynda and Steve too)

  2. Great news, it's so lovely to hear how he's progressing!

  3. Thank you, though to be fair we have had help from some great trainers that does help with the right direction x

  4. Still making good progress. I am so pleased.

    Lovely pictures and Jaja and Custer together.

    Shirley x
