Saturday 20 July 2013

Dogs at Sunset

Not really much to say (which is a good thing) unless you would like to read me waffling on about my hatred of the hot weather? probably not, so give that a miss.  But, here we were late last night at sunset time on the beach, as far as the sea as it was just too hot to do much else.
Watching Custer play in the sea did make us smile, as the first time we took him, shortly before he tried to run off towards Birkenhead.... he was scared of the water, we doubt he had seen so much before.  He seems to approve of it now though, of course its nice for them to cool off too.  Jaja is a big fan of the water, and Lurcher's are not meant to like it at all, so I am told.
Nice quiet uneventful walk last night, which is just the way we like it.  Today, (no pics, sorry) we took Custer, Bailey and Jaja out in one car - we have not done that before, was a success too.  Although as we were out early for a Saturday morning, despite it being a bit cooler than of late it was very busy, with an awful lot of dogs.. Custer did very well with them all apart from one? not sure what happened there, was a young dalmation he took exception too, we are wondering if the dog had a go at him as we have never seen him react that way, he was all noise but thats not the point, luckily we still have him on a long line so easy enough to reel in quickly.  This has given me some concern, as I was hoping to take them all on my own next week when OH is back at work.  Still, we are going to try again early tomorrow morning before puppy class, as I have Bailey tomorrow too, so we can see how it goes, and also a quick park walk this evening.
We were out so long this morning, poor Custer had never had a walk that long before - at the end of it I saw one of the 'dog walkers' I know, so he ran round with two other Lurchers, that was a bit silly of him... he has been very quiet all day - so just a quick one tonight.


  1. Some more lovely pictures of Custer and Jaja.

    Thank you so much for showing them.

    Shirley x

  2. Thanks for reading Shirley x
