Tuesday 2 July 2013

A Successful Walk

Having had a couple of poor days with Custer, we arrived at the conclusion more exercise was needed, although walkies are not a great deal of fun, it had to be done.  So, on Sunday morning we set off on one of my usual walks with the other dogs known as the 'velvet trail' by the side of the beach.  We practiced a 'sit n stay' on the bridge on the way to the little pond we thought Custer would adore.
He was very tentative towards the water, we are not sure if he has been taught to stay out of it, or is just genuinly fearful of it? he hates rain and does avoid puddles.  But this pond was not met with your typical Labrador enthusiasm.
On the way back we did some more bridge sit and stays... 
Looks really good doesn't it? but we did leave out the rugby tackle OH did catching him after the runner after this shot..
Note the harness, this does help a bit with the pulling, but I still cannot manage him with just this.  Usually I have a half check chain too, but still last week he managed to pull every muscle and joint I have. So, I have started this week with a head collar again, and the harness - does stop him from pulling, but does not however stop him from hurling himself to the floor, as he is really cross he cannot take control of the walk.  Now with the harness I can pull him back up off the floor but as he weigh's about 6 stone, this cannot go on for much longer, I am hoping he will soon stop.  Three times today, so aside from my arm ligaments being torn to bits, he has now done my back with all the lifting.  Our 'gentle lead' arrives soon, so hoping that will be better still. Will link to it as and when.

Tonight its one of our training evenings, we are taking him to the tennis courts or the beach to practice some recall, and tire him out a bit. (fingers crossed)

I will end with a photo of the boys on the way back from our very successful walk, having said that we didn't see any other dogs so that did help.


  1. Well done for your consistency and perseverance Lynda.

  2. I'm nothing if not persistant Tash:))

  3. He looks like butter wouldn't melt!!

    I do admire you for keeping going Lynda.

    I hope your aches and pains aren't too bad today.

    Shirley x
