Tuesday 6 January 2015

Still here

Wow, can you believe a whole year nearly since I last posted!  Yes he is still here, and no he is not any better.  But we do now have a new addition in the form of a little rescue Staffie girl now called Rhubarb.

There are people (I Know) who think this was a very bad idea, but I like to think of someone I once knew with a dog far worse than Custer who adopted a new puppy.. I thought this was the most stupid thing ever, but it worked very well, the dog in question is now fine and no longer attacks anything, when he used to be the scurge of our walk.  So, it will work or it wont but so far its going very well.

One of the reasons for lack of blog posts was I just gave up, I could not help Custer's behavoir and nobody wanted to help us try.  Dont get me wrong, in the house he is a dream - its just the 'walkies' thing.

Last week, whilst still reading up on Staffie info I registered with a facebook group 'Reactive Dogs' this could well be one of the best things I did, they recommended some reading and I ordered some book, I have only read up to chapter 2 and took Custer out today with a different frame of mind, so far so good.  yes it would be really good to have some help........but this is not going to happen, so like many things in life we are on our own so time to try again.  This is easier too as Custer is a different dog at home, he is so chilled and well behaved I have 'even' left him out of crate a few times with no problems (mind you, I did take my camera from the room).  Today I was back to teaching 'watch me' which he did perfectly.

One thing I have learnt from this, is you need to be in a 'good frame of mind' yourself to be able to do it, if you are tired forget it.  I had a good nights rest for once last night, so dog training was a whole lot easier.  Just as well as after 'reactive dog training' with Custer it was time for the first recall lesson with Rhubarb.
Not too difficult as she is in love with treats!

Lets hope I do better with both training and blogging now - time to take Rhubarb for a wizz round the block, I have found keeping her tired keeps more peace in the household.  After two weeks things are now calming down a bit.  Wasnt the boys, it was our new little girl who was so unsettled they were both great.  Here is Custer now learning to love Dolly's too.

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